This network is composed of five centres which are in Lille, Marseille, Strasbourg guidance centres called CIO and in Lyon the CII ( International Information Centre ) and of the ONISEP ( National Office of Information on Studies and Professions)
In parallel to these resource centres, « Cio-relais Europe » (reference guidance centres on Europe mobility )were appointed in each administrative region called « académie » to be close to the needs of the end-users and of the practioners from the guidance and education community.
The four Euroguidance centres play the part of reference centres in their own “academie”. That’s for this reason that, from the very beginning of the network, the Euroguidance centres have been focussing on the needs of the end-users.
Since 2004, the four resource centres have been contributing to the enrichment and updating of the Europe section of the ONISEP site They have been, with the Labour Euroguidance network, in charge of the French pages of Learning opportunities and Qualifications in Europe (LOQE, ex-PLOTEUS).
But, their main target-group is the practitioners : information staff, guidance counsellors, trainers either French or foreigners. They answer their questions, they organize training sessions or information lectures at a national or European level. Still with the ONISEP web team, they developed the Europe section of the Onisep site dedicated to practitioners.
They are involved through international partnerships in network projects or pilot projects at a European level.